AKEBS can also provide additional business and accounting services in a number of other school related business management and accounting areas. AKEBS can tailor any business management and accounting service to meet your unique business needs. Through consultation, it can be determined if AKEBS will assume full responsibility for providing a specific service, if training of personnel is a better option, or if a combination of both is warranted.
AKEBS can provide the following additional school district business and accounting services:
- Grant writing, monitoring, reporting, and evaluation
- Preparation of Impact Aid applications and reporting
- Preparation of E-Rate applications and reporting
- Preparation, advertising, and managing RFP’s
- Preparation, bidding, and financial management of CIP projects
- Purchasing property liability insurance
- Managing self-insured health plans to include preparing and presenting health plan in a public forum
- Providing appropriate and requested staff development opportunities
- Training of school district business officials and accounting personnel
“No uniform pattern of duties and responsibilities exist for the school business administrator – however, it is of unanimous opinion that they provide leadership and support for the school district’s programs.”
Principles of School Business Management